Do you want to
scale your business
so that you can stop
being overwhelmed
and be finally able to enjoy
 the lifestyle of your dreams

Is this you? 

✔️ You have been in business for a few years. You are an expert at what you do, a recognised leader in your industry and a successful entrepreneur

✔️ Over the years, you have served many happy clients who gave you their testimonials and feedback on how they enjoyed working with you

✔️ You have an established audience of followers on Social Media and a mailing list of people who are interested in what you have to say

✔️ You have tweaked and fine tuned your offer, and today your Irresistible Offer is exactly what your target market of Ideal Clients needs

✔️ You are the one doing everything in your business and you are wearing all the hats. You are overwhelmed and you are afraid that this will affect the quality of your services

✔️ You are on the treadmill and you don’t have the time to look at the long term vision or find ways to increase your revenue

✔️ You have reached a plateau in your revenue and you don't see how you can serve more clients unless you add more hours to the day or you clone yourself

✔️ You are working hard and not smart, without systems, processes or automations

Not too long ago, I was where you are now, so I know exactly how it feels

The Scale Your Business Program will show you how to create systems and automations in your business, as well as hire the right team, so you can finally make more money and enjoy the lifestyle of your dream

What is the Scale Your Business Program?

The Scale Your Business Program is a Business Training & Coaching Program where you will learn how to become the CEO of your business, by creating Systems and Processes in your Business and by hiring the team that you need, so that you can be available to work on exponential growth activities and reach your long term vision.

Here are the 8 Pillars of the Scale Your Business Program

You will learn how to identify the fears and the beliefs that are creating inner resistances and that are preventing you from stepping into your greatness so that you can become the successful leader that you know you are born to be and have a greater impact on the world
You will leverage your existing strategy by repositioning yourself in your market as an industry leader, by narrowing down your target market to your ideal Niche and leveraging your business model to be aligned with the scaling stage of your business
You will learn how to reach your next level revenue goal by reverse engineering your financial projections to the exponential growth activities that you need to focus on and by leveraging your investments in your business accordingly
Client Delivery
You will leverage your Irresistible Offer by aligning it with your Niche and by removing yourself from the delivery as much as possible, while still providing a high quality service and being still present for your clients, listening to their every needs
You will leverage your Marketing Strategy to create more relevancy, intimacy and omnipresence so that you can reach your 3rd Circle of Influence with optimized lead generation and lead nurturing strategies, funnels of paid advertising and promotion to scale to your next level of revenue and impact
You will leverage your Sales by creating systems to track your pipeline of potential clients and by hiring a sales team to do the groundwork for you, so that more leads and prospects will decide to become paying clients and you will reach your next level of revenue
You will learn how to use tools, how to create systems and processes in every area of your business in order to work smart not hard, so that you are able to reach that next level of revenue without being overwhelmed and while still delivering a quality offer to your raving fans
You will map out every area of your business to create your optimal hiring strategy and to decide when it is the right time to hire, and what to delegate in order for your business to operate at its best without you being overwhelmed and to allow you to focus on your Unique Brilliance
How does it work?
Business Audit

You fill a Business Audit Questionnaire so that we can evaluate what’s working and what’s not working in your business

Kick Off Session

We first meet for your Kick Off Session to review your Business Audit and to work on your 90 Days Goal Plan so that you know what to focus on in priority in your Business

Individual Strategy Sessions

We schedule your Individual Strategy Sessions throughout your Program to dive deeper into your business and help you make important strategic decisions

Master Program

You are invited to our weekly calls to learn about new business content with a Training Module, or for a Q&A Session

Expert Sessions

Every week you can join our Expert Sessions on Marketing, Content Writing, and Systems to ask any questions you have

Working Together Lab

Every week you can to join our Working Together Lab to get work done and hold yourself accountable to work on your 90 Days Goal Plan

Mastermind Session

Once a month, you are invited to a Mastermind Session with the other Members of the Scale Your Business Program to brainstorm and help you solve your issues in your Business

Born To Do Business Academy

You have access to our Online Academy with over 70 recorded Training Modules and Tutorials, along with worksheets and templates, to learn new content and implement at your own pace

Your Accountability Buddy

You can choose someone in the Program to be your Accountability Buddy to hold you accountable and to help you stay focused on your priorities

Strategic Planning Day

Every 3 months, you participate in our Quarterly Strategic Planning Day to plan your Priority Projects and get clarity on your Revenue Goal with your Financial Projections

Born To Do Retreat

In the beginning of every year, we spend two days together to realign with your soul’s purpose, work on your Mindset, and be inspired to become a Leader in your life and in your business

Closed Facebook Group

To connect with the other Members of the Program to share your wins or get answers on your business questions from the other Members and the team of  Experts

Here is what other entrepreneurs are saying:
Melissa Goldwag
CEO & Owner of Pack for Camp
«We started our business in our living room as a family business and today after being in Nathalie’s Program for a year now, we’ve hired 4 people and we are ready to advertise to a cold audience
Before we worked with Nathalie we tried to advertise but it was not the right time for us so we threw money down the drain.
Nathalie helped us build the foundations of our sales revenue to be ready to scale and advertise
She also helped us figure out what is the ratio of the advertising budget that we need to invest based on our revenue
Aviva Yoselis
CEO & Founder of HealthAdvize
«After Corona I had to build a more functional business model to scale my business and that’s when I found Nathalie
Since working with her, I have been breaking down my numbers and it’s been a complete epiphany! I have such a clear road map of how many clients I need to work with and how much money I need to bring in the business. Nathalie’s program gave me a clear sense of what I need to do and a structure to move forward, and it’s very helpful!
Working on my numbers also showed me how hiring is the only way to get to my revenue goal, and so Nathalie is also helping me figure out how to hire
Miriam Koval
CEO & Founder of Wellness Delivered
«I have gained so much from Nathalie’s program! I have learned so many new skills in so many areas of business that it has expanded my brain!
In the beginning, I thought that hiring was such a big deal, that it would cost so much and I was not ready for it. But then, when Nathalie encouraged me and showed me how to hire, I did it and it allowed me to continue making money even when I was not available. One time I made $6,600 in one hour while I was in Nathalie’s class. If I had not hired I would have never made that money!
Nathalie has done an incredible job teaching me how to think like a CEO and this program has helped me tremendously!

Stephanie Kable
CEO of
«I am a multiple 6 figures business owner and I am very happy that I worked with Nathalie because it helped to become the CEO of my business. Working with Nathalie was an eye opener to have a clearer vision, to find my role and to improve my leadership.
Nathalie’s Program is very comprehensive and it offers a lot in Strategy, in Marketing and in Mindset. It also pushed me to realize that before I can increase my revenue I need to improve my systems and my team.
It was so much better than what I had in mind!
Daniella Rudoff
CEO & Founder of the Marriage Architect
«Nathalie is a great educator!
There is a lot of behind the scene that goes on when you scale your business as opposed to just growing my business and doing everything myself. With Nathalie’s Program I learned how to take things off my plate to be able to be in my unique brilliance and to hire the people that I needed in my business.
Nathalie is amazing and working with her is wonderful!
Every time I have my one on one Session with Nathalie I come out with another amazing mindset shift!

If you want more information on the Scale Your Business Program, you can apply for a call with Nathalie here

If you have more questions on the Born To Do Business Programs, please contact us at and we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

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