Global Online Leadership Summit
Global Online Leadership Summit
for Jewish Women Entrepreneurs
Speaker's Page
Heather Dean
on “From Show Business to Solo Business”

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Who is Heather Dean
Podcast Host, Author and Public Speaker

After her exciting fourteen-year career interviewing hundreds of celebrities for MTV, E! Entertainment Television, Associated Press (AP) Radio, and other international outlets, Heather Dean has become a respected media producer and interviewer in the Jewish world. 

She is the Founder and CEO of Heather Dean Productions, whose projects include producing and hosting’s weekly podcast "At Home in Jerusalem," and coaching business owners on promoting their business through media interviews. She also speaks to audiences and media outlets around the world about her behind-the-scenes experiences from the fast-paced, glamorous world of reporting about celebrities, and her surprising decision to walk away from it. 

Heather’s next projects include the launch of her coaching service and webinar, “Nail that Interview!” This initiative is aimed at helping show hosts, journalists, and business owners who seek media interviews speak effectively and confidently on the microphone. 

Her exciting foray into broadcasting celebrity interviews for major media outlets, and her surprising decision to make Aliyah are detailed in her memoir, “Searching for Heather Dean: My Extraordinary Career as a Celebrity interviewer and Why I Walked Away from It.”

The Global Online Leadership Summit is presented to you by Nathalie Garson, CEO of The Born To Do Business and Founder of The Born To Do Business Community.

The Global Summit is happening from November 29th until December 1st 2020, and if you haven't registered yet, you can register here.

If you have any questions on the Summit or on any other topics that were addressed in the interviews, you can reach us at and we will be happy to assist you.

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