Congratulations! You are qualifying to participate in our
Quarterly Strategic Planning Session
to prepare together for the last Quarter of the year 2019!
Do you want to?
v Have more visibility on where you stand in your Business and in your Finances?
v Prioritize your projects according to time pressure but also according to their impact?
v Feel less scattered and all over the place with your Business, feel more in control?
v Analyze where it is better for you to invest your time, money and efforts?
v Feel less scattered and all over the place, like you don’t have a plan?
v Stop waiting for opportunities and be more proactive in creating your own success?
If this is how you feel, then join us for our next Strategic Planning Session for the last Quarter of the Year!
The Last Quarter of the year is always a great opportunity to make sure that we reach our goals for the year and that we have the right energy and mindset to close the year with a smile on our face! We are the soul and the brain of our business – so when we take the time to plan strategically and to put intentions behind our activities, we put all the chances on our side to be successful.
The Strategic Planning Session is a workshop where you will shift your mindset around your goals, learn different planning methods and discover implementation tools which will bring you clarity on your vision for the last quarter of the year and will enable you to plan your activities in order of priority.
If this is resonating with you, then the Strategic Planning Session is exactly what you need to make sure that Q4 will be a success for your business!
Here is what you will get in the Strategic Planning Session:
The Strategic Planning Session is a 1,5-hour Zoom meeting where we get together with other like-minded entrepreneurs to work on your Strategic Planning Kit, which includes done-for-you templates worksheets to plan your projects and do your financial projections in order to:
v Welcome the last quarter of the year with positive energy and a Success Mindset
v Look back at the previous quarter and identify what worked and how you can continue doing it
v Identify which projects you want to focus on and learn how to Get. Things. Done.
v Learn how to prioritize your activities according to what’s important (and not urgent)
v Do your financial projections and evaluate the level of revenue that you can reach
v Prepare your 3 months Goal Plan so that you know exactly what projects to focus on in priority
A word from me…
Hey! It is nice to see you here 🙂
Let me introduce myself – My name is Nathalie Garson and I am a Business Mentor, Strategist, and Inspirational Speaker and for the past 5 years, I have empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs to launch, grow and scale their business with the Born To Do Business Method™ which gives them the mindset, the skills, and the business expertise to help them translate their life’s mission into a successful business.
My unique brilliance is to enable entrepreneurs align who they are with what they do to ensure authentic fulfillment and financial success so that they can share their unique gifts with the world and have a greater impact.
The Strategic Planning Session is one of my favorite workshops because entrepreneurs often confess to me that they don’t always take the time to plan strategically for the future when they are alone, maybe it is the same for you?
So if you feel that you need a little push to prepare for the last quarter of the year and to set yourself up for success, then join us in our upcoming Strategic Planning Session.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Here is what other Entrepreneurs say:
“I loved getting together with like-minded people in this Strategic Planning Session and getting into that energy of prioritizing my projects for the next quarter!”
Author Coach
“This Strategic Planning Session was excellent! It gave me the opportunity to spend precious time to plan strategically my next quarter and it was very helpful to see my priority projects and my financial projections clearly in front of my eyes and to know where my business really stands”
Founder & CEO of Live English
“I loved being part of a community of entrepreneurs that keeps me motivated and on track! I particularly liked the exercise in which we sorted our quarterly activities into categories. It gave me clarity on the various projects I am working on and helped me stay focused on what’s most important for my business in the next quarter.”
PhD, Director of Jerusalem Coaching Institute
You have been pre-qualified to attend this Session!
So, if this is resonating with you and you want to prepare yourself for success for the last quarter of the year 2019, take this opportunity to participate in the Strategic Planning Day Q4, which will take place on Tuesday, September 17th at 8 PM (GMT+2) and fill in the form below to register now:
The number of seats is limited, so make sure to secure your seat now
If you have any additional questions, you can write to us at and we will be happy to assist you