Strategic Planning Day for Q4 2023
Strategic Planning Day
for Q4 2023
Join us for a
One Day Online Retreat
to plan strategically for
an amazing last Quarter of 2023!

01:00 PM Israel Time
06:00 AM Eastern Time

12:00 PM Central European Time
Sunday, October 15th
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06:00 PM Israel Time
11:00 AM Eastern Time
05:00 PM Central Europe Time
My personal invitation

Hello my friend,

We just finished celebrating the Jewish New Year and we already have to prepare ourselves for the last Quarter of the Civil Year of 2023. 

Q4 is one of the most important Quarter of the year for us entrepreneurs, because it is our last opportunity to give one more push to reach our goals before the end of the year.

I have designed the Strategic Planning Day retreat, so that every three months you can look back on what worked, and you can plan ahead for your success in the next quarter, by laying out your financial projections and organizing your priority projects.

For the past 5 years, hundreds of Entrepreneurs have gone through the Strategic Planning Day Method and have seen the difference that it makes in their mindset, in their business and in their results.

I look forward to seeing you in the next the Strategic Planning Day for Q4 2023, where you will get everything that you will need to finish 2023 with success! 

With love & Blessings,

Nathalie Garson
What will you get ?
In this one-day retreat, you will be able to implement my unique Strategic Planning Method to prepare yourself for a successful Quarter!
You will get the clarity and focus that you need to know where to invest your efforts in order to reach success until the end of the year.

Clarity and Focus:
You will have clarity on the goals that you need to focus on in Q4, and you will feel confident in your decision-making process. At the end of this day, you will have a clear roadmap that outlines the specific actions and steps that you will need to take in priority.

Financial Projections:
You will know exactly how much revenue to expect in the months to come, and you will be able to reverse engineer to know how many clients and sales you will need to reach your yearly revenue goal for 2023. 

Priority Projects:
By mapping out your projects for Q4 in the 8 pillars, you will know exactly what to start with in order to align your actions with your priorities, make intentional choices, and ensure that you're directing your energy and resources towards actions that are truly aligned with your bigger vision.
Marketing Campaigns Calendar:
You will know exactly how many leads you will need to reach your Revenue Goal and what Marketing Campaigns you need to implement in Q4 in order to get these leads.
How does it work ?

When is it happening?

  • Your SPD Q4 2023 is happening on Oct 15th 2023
  • It will start at 1pm Israel Time [6.00am EST, 12.00pm CET]
  • It will end at 6pm Israel Time [11.00am EST, 5.00pm CET]
  • You will have regular breaks throughout the day

Where is it happening?

  • Your SPD is happening on Zoom, from the comfort of your home
  • You will be able to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs from all over the world 
  • You will work in smaller groups in Breakout rooms 

What to expect?

  • As soon as you register, you will be invited to join our Closed Facebook Group 
  • There, we will share the with Pre-SPD activities to prepare you for the Day
  • Closer to the date, you will receive your SPD Workbook

After having helped 100s of entrepreneurs, I will share with you my unique Strategic Planning Method to take your business to the next level in Q4 2023.

This Strategic Planning Day is the best investment that you can make to put all the chances on your side to have a most successful Quarter!

Here is what Participants are saying
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Aliza Naon
CEO of SmartBizOps
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Elena Livshiz
CEO of Your Digital Key to Success
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Annette Mashi
CEO of Write Wizards
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions on the Strategic Planning Day (SPD), please check the answers is below, or feel free to write to us at

 πŸ‘‰ What is the schedule of the Strategic Planning Day?
The SPD Q4 2023 is happening on Sunday, October 15th from 1pm to 6pm Israel time [6.00am-11.00am ET, 12.00pm-5.00pm CET]. There will be breaks of 15 min approximately every 90 min
πŸ‘‰ Who is eligible for a Special Discount?

You are eligible for a Special Discount if you are:
- An Existing Member or Alumni of the Born To Do Business
- A Member of the Global Business Network for Jewish Women Entrepreneurs
If this is you, please contact us at to get your coupon

πŸ‘‰ I am entering my Coupon Code but the price is not changing in the form? 

Make sure to copy the Coupon Code EXACTLY as it is written, to remove the quotation marks and to remove any extra space before and after the code.

πŸ‘‰ If I pay now, but can’t come later, what are the cancellation policy?
Since the number of seats is limited, we strongly suggest that you pay now to reserve your seat. If an unexpected event occurs, you will be able to cancel and to be reimbursed up to one week before the event. After this date, there will be no reimbursement.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the Strategic Planning Day Q4 2023!

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