Special Interview Series - Women in Politics in Israel
Special Interview Series
Women in Politics in Israel 
Speaker's Page
Einat Wilf
Who is Einat Wilf
Former Member of the Israeli Knesset

Dr. Einat Wilf was born and raised in Israel, and she served as an Intelligence Officer in the Israel Defense Forces, Foreign Policy Advisor to Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres and a strategic consultant with McKinsey & Company.

She was a member of the Israeli Parliament from 2010-2013, where she served as Chair of the Education Committee and Member of the influential Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Today, Dr. Wilf is a leading thinker on matters of foreign policy, economics, education, Israel and Zionism, and she is the author of six books that explore key issues in Israeli society.

Dr. Wilf has a BA from Harvard, an MBA from INSEAD in France, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Cambridge.

The Special Interview Series is presented to you by Nathalie Garson, CEO of The Born To Do Business and Founder of The Born To Do Business Community.

The Special Interview Series - Women in Politics is happening from February 18th until March 18th 2021, and if you haven't registered yet, you can register here.

If you have any questions on this event or on any other topics that were addressed in the interviews, you can reach us at contact@nathaliegarson.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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