Born To Do Business Program
Circles of Influence & Marketing Pie
- Business Stages & Circle of influence
- What to do with each types of lead/prospects/clients
- Marketing pie
Marketing Plan
- Why is Marketing important
- Your client’s pain points
- Heart entered message
- Make marketing your 1 priority
- Lead follow up
- Campaign calendar
How to attract more clients – Networking
- Business road map
- Business priorities according to Stages
- Marketing activities according to The Circles of Influence
- Mindset alerts
- How networking works
- How to find more people like you
- The ALR Method
- Your Elevator pitch
Your Website
Search Engine Optimization (Guest Speaker Stephanie Kable)
Your Newsletter
Content Writing for Entrepreneurs (Guest Speaker Felicity Kay)
Lead Magnet / Irresistible Free Offer
- Irresistible Free Offer (IFO)
- Lead Generation Funnel
- Opt-in page
- Sales page
- Cold / Warm / Hot Lead
- Auto Responder email sequence (AR)
- Call To Action (CTA)
Lead Generation Funnel
- Where are the clients coming from?
- Lead Generation Framework
- Lead Generation Funnel
- Potential Lead Sources
- Practical Marketing Tools
- Mindset Alerts on Marketing
The Difference between Lead Generation & Lead Nurturing
Lab Session – Lead Generation Funnels
Your Campaign Calendar
- Who is your Ideal Client
- What is your Irresistible Offer
- What is the relevant content
- What is the Circle of Influence
- What are your marketing tools
- Your marketing pie
- What is the optimal time of the year
- Content repurposing
- Why do we need a campaign calendar
- Mindset Alerts on Marketing
How to attract clients through building your tribe
Concrete Marketing Strategies to Increase your Potential Clients’ Trust before you Upsell
- How to rethink your Marketing strategy according to your potential client’s pain points
- Example of low Entry Products
- How to offer an online course/a short program
- How to offer a webinar
- How to offer a challenge
- How to do a survey
- How to offer a full coaching day
- What lead magnet to choose
Discovering Instagram (by Guest Speaker Jordana Mark)
This Training Module is led by our Special Speaker – Jordana Mark.
Here is a little about Jordana:
Jordana is the CEO & and a Social Media Expert at Make Your Mark. She has been helping entrepreneurs and small business owners make their mark across various social media platforms since 2015. She is a self-taught, driven entrepreneur, and a Lecturer at Webschool: Digital Marketing Academy.
And here what she is going to talk about
- What is Instagram
- The power of Instagram
- Why it’s unique
- 5 stages of an Instagram buyer
- Actionable steps to improve Your Instagram accounts
Marketing Campaigns and Funnel Strategies (Lab Session)
Webinars as Lead Generation
How to convert social media followers into paying clients (by Guest Speaker Bridie Castiel)
This Training Module is led by our Special Speaker – Bridie Castiel.
What is the theme?
How to turn Social Media followers into customers
What will you learn?
- What is AIDA?
- How will AIDA help you drive revenue from Social Media?
- How to implement AIDA in your Social Media Content?
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to convert leads to clients in Social Media
Marketing Campaign Roadmap & Checklist
- Campaign Strategy & Branding
- Registration Process
- Pre-Event Promotion
- Post-Registration + Delivery
- Upsell + Follow up
- Campaign Metrics
- Tool Box
Email Marketing: System & Tools Review
- Mindset Shifts & Rabbit Hole Alert!
- Strategy around Email Marketing Systems
- What is the difference between Email Marketing and CRM
- The different types of Email Marketing Tools
- How to choose the right Email Marketing Tool
- What are “Tags” and how to tag your New subscribers
- What are “Email Sequences” and how to use them
- Our Recommendations
Scale Your Business Lab – Scale Your Marketing
How do you become omnipresent and how do you reach your 3rd Circle of Influence?
Here is what we are going to talk about:
- How do you leverage your Marketing Strategy when you are in the Scaling Stage of your Business?
- How do you leverage your Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, and Lead Conversion?
- What is Event Marketing Strategy and how to apply it in your existing Marketing to reach even more potential clients and do what you love?
Training Module on LinkedIn – Lesson #1
This is Lesson #1 of the LinkedIn Training Module delivered by Elena Livshiz, our Marketing Expert.
This Lesson #1 will be on “Why is LinkedIn a powerful platform for your Business?”
We will speak about:
- Why choose LinkedIn
- Demystify Free & Premium
- Your profile is more than a CV
- How to build an effective profile
Training Module “Making Customers Feel At Home On Your Homepage”
Here is what we will talk about:
- What & Why of a Homepage
- Best Practices
- Crafting Your Core Message
- Format Strategically
- Homepage Checklist
Branding your Business [by Elena]
Here is what we will talk about:
- Why is branding is important?
- What is a brand?
- Elements of branding
- Why do you need a brand kit & a brand guide?
- Get prepared with the answers to your designer’s questions
- An example of a branding guide
Creating Visuals for your Business + Canva Tutorial
Here is what we will talk about:
Design Theory
- Why design is not art?
- Designer’s toolbox
- What images can we use?
Practice on Canva
- Types of visuals
- Key Words in choosing photos
- Elements: grids, icons, etc
- Building a team on Canva
Event Based Marketing – Turning your Marketing Idea into a Campaign
Here is what we will talk about:
- What is Event based Marketing
- Why do we have so many Marketing Ideas
- How to not get overwhelmed by them
- How to structure your Marketing Ideas into Campaigns
- How to create a Marketing Campaign
Build your online presence with Meta Business Suite
- Why use Meta BS?
- Scheduling your content: Stories & Posts
- How to assign roles on Meta BS?
- BS Inbox to communicate with customers
- Marketing metrics essentials
- What should we monitor in Business Suite & Page Insights?
- How to evaluate the success of your content performance?
Grow Your Business with Facebook Ads: Techniques & Results
This Training Module will teach you:
- 6 Keys to FB Advertising Success
- Targeting Options: Cold, Warm & Hot Audiences
- FB Ads Marketing Intelligence before you start
- 4 Vital Metrics to Measure Ads Performance
- Ads Manager Overview
- Launching Steps
- How does FB spend your money?
Being Content With Writing Blogs
This Training Module will teach you:
- What and Why you need a blog
- What can you blog about
- Where to post your blog
- How to structure your blog
- Award-winning headlines
- Storytelling tricks
Grow Your Followers on LinkedIn
Here is what we will talk about:
- Company Page Setup
- Engagement in Groups & Events
- Advertise Your Business on LinkedIn
Go Green: ReUse Your Content
Here is what we will talk about:
- What should content do?
- Different types of content
- Understanding the platforms
- How to reuse your content
How to optimise the use of videos in your business by Guest Speaker Rebecca Kroese
Here is what we will talk about:
- Video! How to make it singing & dancing 🙂
- Why you should be using Videos in your Marketing
- What are the technical stuff you need
- How do you deliver a great message
Do’s and don’ts on on Social Media – how to protect your accounts
Discover the differences between sales and landing pages, what content you need, and the structure of the page to get clients to Press The Button for your products or services
Taking the Mystery Out of Sales and Landing Pages
Discover the differences between sales and landing pages, what content you need, and the structure of the page to get clients to Press The Button for your products or services