The Jewish Women Entrepreneur Podcast
The Jewish Women Entrepreneur


Special Support Israel Series

Where we speak about what is happening in Israel right now and what are the impacts of the war on Jewish Women Entrepreneurs in Israel and around the world
Episode #11 How is Olga realizing her zionist dream by advocating against funding NGO terrorists organizations
Olga Deutsch, Vice President at NGO Monitor
Olga is the Vice President at NGO Monitor, a research institute that ensures that decision-makers and civil society operate according to the principles of accountability, transparency, and universal human rights.

These days, Olga is being invited to speak at the Israeli President Annual Conference, and she travels the world to speak about UNWRA and other UN agencies, explaining how humanitarian aid to Palestinians need to be conditioned after the war so it doesn't end up in terror, like on October 7th

Olga is also an Executive Member of the World Zionist Organization and the Director of Global Outreach for Kol Israel.
Olga graduated from the University of Belgrade and the University of Munich with degrees in banking, insurance, and finance, and has held senior positions in the private sector. 

Access to all Episodes

The Jewish Women Entrepreneurs Podcast is presented to you by Nathalie Garson, CEO of The Born To Do Business and Founder of The Jewish Women Entrepreneur Global Network.

If you have any questions on this Podcast or on any other topics that were addressed in the interviews, you can reach us at and we will be happy to assist you.

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