The Jewish Women Entrepreneur Podcast
The Jewish Women Entrepreneur


Where we speak about Women, Jewish Identity & Leadership in Business
Episode #20 How Melissa became a multiple Six Figures business owner with more than 7 people working for her
Melissa Rachel Goldwag, CEO & Owner of Pack for Camp
In this episode, Melissa Goldwag, CEO and Co-founder of Pack for Camp, talks about how she grew her business in the past year, doubling her revenue to multiple 6 figures, and hiring a team of more than 7, all the while creating additional revenue streams. She started this Business with her partner in life and business Gaby Fachler, in their living room in Israel, packing and delivering goods for Camps to Moms who were sending their kids to Camp in the US. The idea came from her Parents business who own a brick and mortar store and it was supposed to stay a "small business" with the 2 of them making it work.
Until they joined the Born To Do Business Program and hired Nathalie as their Business Mentor, and that's when their mindset started to shift from scarcity to abundance and their vision started to expand from entrepreneur to CEO, and they started to hire and scale their business. Today, they have 2 brands and 2 warehouses with 100s clients in the US and in Israel.
If you want to know more about the behind-the-scenes of Melissa's journey to scaling her business, listen to the full episode. 

Who is  Melissa Rachel Goldwag ?
CEO & Owner of Pack for Camp

Melissa is the CEO and owner of Pack for Camp, an online concept store since 2017. Pack for Camp revolutionized the way moms shop for their children's summer camp and GAP year via her “one-stop shops”. Melissa knows how difficult and time-consuming it can be to fill your packing list.

She uses her life experience combined with modern technological innovations to make your shopping experience as quick, easy, and enjoyable as possible. Melissa lives in Modiin, Israel with her partner in business and in life, Gaby Fachler, and their 4 children.

The Jewish Women Entrepreneurs Podcast is presented to you by Nathalie Garson, CEO of The Born To Do Business and Founder of The Born To Do Business Community.

You can listen to the Podcast Episodes LIVE every Sunday at 6pm Israel time [11am ET, 8am PT] in the Born To Do Business Community Facebook Group, so if you haven't joined it yet, here is the link.

🎧 Spotify users can listen to it here.

If you have any questions on this Podcast or on any other topics that were addressed in the interviews, you can reach us at and we will be happy to assist you.

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