Do you find it difficult to attract more clients AND stay true to who you are?
Are you afraid that your competition will win over your potential clients because your market is crowded?
Is it a challenge for you to decide what messages to address or chose who to talk to in your marketing copy?
Are you afraid to lose potential clients if you are too specific in what you offer or who you work with?
If this is how you feel, then join me in my Free MasterClass where you will learn how to:
Find your Niche to attract more clients
while being aligned with what you are Born To Do!
Do you feel that…
v You have many gifts and you don’t know which one to share with the world?
v It is difficult for you to focus on one specific direction in your business?
v You are afraid of losing clients if you decide to work with one specific market?
v You are afraid that your competition will get to your clients before you?
v It is difficult for you to recognize yourself as an expert in your field?
v What you do is not always aligned with who you are?
If this is what you feel, then fill in the form below to participate to the Free Live Masterclass on “Find Your Niche to attract more clients while being aligned with what you were born to do” which is happening on Wednesday, September 25th at 8 PM (GMT +3).
You will learn how to:
v Look inside yourself, discover who you are, and connect to the most authentic part of yourself
v Gain self-confidence in your competence and experience and recognize yourself as an expert in your field
v Identify why you are unique and how you are different from your competition
v Focus on ONE strategic direction for your business which is aligned with what you are Born To Do
v Attract more clients that are aligned with what you offer
v Choose which marketing message to write and what target market to talk to
A word from me…
Hey! It is nice to see you here 🙂
Let me introduce myself – My name is Nathalie Garson and I am a Business Mentor, Strategist, and Inspirational Speaker and for the past 5 years, I have empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs to launch, grow and scale their business with the Born To Do Business Method™ which gives them the mindset, the skills, and the business expertise to help them translate their life’s mission into a successful business.
My unique brilliance is to enable entrepreneurs to align who they are with what they do to ensure authentic fulfillment and financial success so that they can share their unique gifts with the world and have a greater impact.
Finding your Niche is one of my favorite MasterClass topics because I know that entrepreneurs have a hard time choosing one specific target market because they are afraid to lose potential clients – maybe it is the same with you?
The truth is, that it is the opposite – the more you are specific, the more you will attract clients. I know that it sounds counter-intuitive and that it is difficult to remove your resistance, so that is why I am inviting you to my Free MasterClass to show how Finding Your Niche is the beginning of all your successes.
So join me in this Free MasterClass to find out how to Find Your Niche to attract more clients and stay aligned with what you are born to do.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Here is what other Entrepreneurs say:
“During the session with Nathalie, I had some great breakthrough moments. I really realized how I was segmenting parts of who I am and now it all needs to be in alignment and that’s exactly what has been holding me back.
I’ve had more and more clarity about my work since this session. The revelations keep coming. I need to flip it around and create my branding messaging now, but I am confident in who I am and why I do the work I do now.
Nathalie helped me to reflect back who I am and what I am Born to Do. This work is essential before going forward any more with my business.”
Business Strategist and Facilitator
“The Find Your Niche Program made me realize that my mindset is perhaps not the best for me to manage and grow my business and that I probably have to work on my alignment if I want achievement and success.
The most inspirational moment for me was when Nathalie answered my question about adjusting to my clients. I realized that I am in fact too passive, not enough assertive, I feel I have to adjust in fact to my own needs and goals, not to the client’s one.
I’m thankful to Nathalie for the Find Your Niche Method she taught us, it was precious and meaningful for me.”
“The way Nathalie described her own problems with finding your niche was helpful and resonated with me. It made me completely realize how I am not aligned with who I am, how I am not focusing on my niche and how I am working with everybody without being able to say No. This Program is a wonderful opportunity that you should not miss if you are wondering about your Niche.”
Fill in the form below to participate to the Free Live Masterclass on “Find Your Niche to attract more clients while being aligned with what you were born to do” which is happening on Wednesday, September 25th at 8 PM (GMT +3).