Do you want to Grow & Scale your Business with the help of an experienced Mentor and with a Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs?

Do you want to…

✔️ Have access to an experienced Mentor who can help you find the optimal strategy for your business, based on your Unique Brilliance and your Born To Do

✔️ Have clarity on where you are going and what are your next steps to realise your Big Vision

✔️ Be coached and held accountable to reach your goals and execute your vision without procrastination or giving in to false beliefs

✔️ Get out of your comfort zone and step into the greater version of yourself to be the Leader that you know you were born to be

✔️ Get all your questions answered by experts in all areas of your business - Marketing, Sales, Finances, Systems, Teams etc...

✔️ Learn new content and get trained in the different areas of your business, to always know what you know you don't know and even what you don't know you don't know

✔️ Be inspired by other like minded entrepreneurs and get their tips and best practices so you don't have to reinvent the wheel

✔️ Be surrounded by people who are on the same journey and who face the same fears but learned how to overcome them

If this is what you want, then the Born To Do Business Program is for YOU!

What is the Born To Do Business Program?
The Born To Do Business Program is a twelve month program, just like an MBA for Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs. It is a comprehensive and holistic Program so that you have everything you need to flourish as a leader and thrive in your business.

Here is what you will get in the Born To Do Business Program:
Brainstorm with like-minded entrepreneurs and share best practices
Be a part of a Community of Like Minded Entrepreneurs
The Born To Do Business Academy

The Born To Do Business Program is composed of the 8 Pillars of Business that you will go through in the BornTo Do Business Academy, at your own pace in self-learning, or according to what you need throughout the Program.

In each pillar you will find all the resources that you need to be successful in your business - Training Modules, Lessons, Guest Lectures, Technical Tutorials, Resource Library, Worksheets, Templates, Operation Manuals and Checklists.

As of today we have more than 70 Training Modules and we are constantly uploading new content so that you are kept up to date with the new content.

Here are the 8 Pillars of Business of the Born To Do Business Program: 

You will learn how to identify the fears and the beliefs that are creating inner resistances and that are preventing you from stepping into your greatness so that you can become the successful leader that you know you are born to be and have a greater impact on the world
You will leverage your existing strategy by repositioning yourself in your market as an industry leader, by narrowing down your target market to your ideal Niche and leveraging your business model to be aligned with the scaling stage of your business
You will learn how to reach your next level revenue goal by reverse engineering your financial projections to the exponential growth activities that you need to focus on and by leveraging your investments in your business accordingly
Client Delivery
You will leverage your Irresistible Offer by aligning it with your Niche and by removing yourself from the delivery as much as possible, while still providing a high quality service and being still present for your clients, listening to their every needs
You will leverage your Marketing Strategy to create more relevancy, intimacy and omnipresence so that you can reach your 3rd Circle of Influence with optimized lead generation and lead nurturing strategies, funnels of paid advertising and promotion to scale to your next level of revenue and impact
You will leverage your Sales by creating systems to track your pipeline of potential clients and by hiring a sales team to do the groundwork for you, so that more leads and prospects will decide to become paying clients and you will reach your next level of revenue
You will learn how to use tools, how to create systems and processes in every area of your business in order to work smart not hard, so that you are able to reach that next level of revenue without being overwhelmed and while still delivering a quality offer to your raving fans
You will map out every area of your business to create your optimal hiring strategy and to decide when it is the right time to hire, and what to delegate in order for your business to operate at its best without you being overwhelmed and to allow you to focus on your Unique Brilliance

We are here,  you don’t have to do it alone!

How does it work?
Here is the list of everything that is available in the Born To Do Business Program:
Business Audit & Kick Off Session

The Business Audit is a Questionnaire to evaluate what’s working and what’s not working in your business, to design your 90 Days Goal Plan in your Kick Off Session so that you know what to focus on in priority

Individual Strategy Sessions

The Individual Strategy Sessions are available in the VIP Program to help you make important strategic decisions and to work on your Mindset shifts

New! Ask Nathalie!

This new feature is available in the VIP Program and allows you to reach out to Nathalie via instant messages for quick questions or feedback throughout your Program

Master Program

The Master Program is a Weekly Group Call where the Members get a new Training Module, a Q&A Session, or a Lecture from a Guest Speaker

Expert Sessions

The Expert Sessions are given on a weekly basis by experts in various areas of business to give you support and reply to your questions in their field of expertise

Working Together Lab

The Working Together Lab is a weekly opportunity to get together to focus, get work done and avoid procrastination

Mastermind Session

The Mastermind Session happens once a month and is an opportunity to brainstorm on your business and to solve your most burning issues

The Born To Do Business Academy

The Born To Do Business Academy is an Online Platform with recorded Training Modules and resources in the 6 Pillars of Business to learn and implement at your own pace

Accountability Buddy

Your Accountability Buddy will you hold you accountable and help you stay focused on your priorities

Strategic Planning Day

The Strategic Planning Day happens every 90 days to help you plan your Priority Projects and get clarity on your Financial Projections for the next quarter

The Born To Do Retreat

The Born To Do Retreat happens every year in January to start the year by realigning with your purpose, working on your Mindset and becoming the Leader that you are born to be

The Closed Facebook Group

The Closed Facebook Group is a great place to connect with the other Members of the Program, share  your wins and get answers to your questions

The Born To Do Business Program

Business Audit

As soon as you enroll


90 min Kick Off Session

As soon as you enroll


Strategy Sessions

Whenever you want

Optional at Member's price $197

Ask Nathalie!

Whenever you want

Available when you book a session

Master Program

Every Week


Mastermind Session

Every Month


Online Academy

As soon as you enroll


Accountability Buddy

As soon as you enroll


Expert Sessions

Every Week


Strategic Planning Day

Every Quarter


Born To Do Retreat

Every Year


Closed Facebook Group

As soon as you enroll


Length of the Program

12 month Program

Payment in Full


Payment in monthly installments

*Regular price for a one on one session with Nathalie is $250
**All prices are given without VAT which applies only to Israeli Residents 

A little more about me


My name is Nathalie Garson and I am passionate about helping Purpose Driven Women entrepreneurs create an abundant lifestyle for themselves by doing what they are Born To Do and sharing it with as many people as possible in the world.

Ten years ago, I launched my first Consulting business and I gave Strategic Advice to Companies . A few years later, I had what I call my purpose crisis and I realized that what I really wanted to do was to help purpose-driven solopreneurs be financially successful while doing what they loved.

And that’s how the Born To Do Business Program was born.

In the beginning I was offering one-on-one consultations and I was doing everything by myself.

Today, I am the proud CEO of a 6 figures business and together with my team of amazing professionals, we deliver a complete Program where you can get everything that you need to Grow & Scale Your Business while continuing to do what you love.

I am also the founder of the Global Online Business Network for Jewish Women Entrepreneur where we hold monthly networking Meetups with Entrepreneurs from all over the world.

And I am also the host of the Jewish Women Entrepreneur Podcast where I have fascinating conversations with inspiring guests on Jewish Identity, Women Empowerment and Leadership in Business. You can find the Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast.

If you need to Grow & Scale Your Business and what you are reading on this page resonates with you, then I can’t wait to go on this journey with you!

With love,

Nathalie Garson

Here is what other entrepreneurs are saying:
Melissa Goldwag
CEO & Owner of Pack for Camp
«We started our business in our living room as a family business and today after being in Nathalie’s Program for a year now, we’ve hired 4 people and we are ready to advertise to a cold audience
Before we worked with Nathalie we tried to advertise but it was not the right time for us so we threw money down the drain.
Nathalie helped us build the foundations of our sales revenue to be ready to scale and advertise
She also helped us figure out what is the ratio of the advertising budget that we need to invest based on our revenue
Aviva Yoselis
CEO & Founder of HealthAdvize
«After Corona I had to build a more functional business model to scale my business and that’s when I found Nathalie
Since working with her, I have been breaking down my numbers and it’s been a complete epiphany! I have such a clear road map of how many clients I need to work with and how much money I need to bring in the business. Nathalie’s program gave me a clear sense of what I need to do and a structure to move forward, and it’s very helpful!
Working on my numbers also showed me how hiring is the only way to get to my revenue goal, and so Nathalie is also helping me figure out how to hire
Miriam Koval
CEO & Founder of Wellness Delivered
«I have gained so much from Nathalie’s program! I have learned so many new skills in so many areas of business that it has expanded my brain!
In the beginning, I thought that hiring was such a big deal, that it would cost so much and I was not ready for it. But then, when Nathalie encouraged me and showed me how to hire, I did it and it allowed me to continue making money even when I was not available. One time I made $6,600 in one hour while I was in Nathalie’s class. If I had not hired I would have never made that money!
Nathalie has done an incredible job teaching me how to think like a CEO and this program has helped me tremendously!

Stephanie Kable
CEO of
«I am a multiple 6 figures business owner and I am very happy that I worked with Nathalie because it helped to become the CEO of my business. Working with Nathalie was an eye opener to have a clearer vision, to find my role and to improve my leadership.
Nathalie’s Program is very comprehensive and it offers a lot in Strategy, in Marketing and in Mindset. It also pushed me to realize that before I can increase my revenue I need to improve my systems and my team.
It was so much better than what I had in mind!
Daniella Rudoff
CEO & Founder of the Marriage Architect
«Nathalie is a great educator!
There is a lot of behind the scene that goes on when you scale your business as opposed to just growing my business and doing everything myself. With Nathalie’s Program I learned how to take things off my plate to be able to be in my unique brilliance and to hire the people that I needed in my business.
Nathalie is amazing and working with her is wonderful!
Every time I have my one on one Session with Nathalie I come out with another amazing mindset shift!

Welcome to the Born To Do Business Program!
We are happy to welcome you to the Born To Do Business Family! 

General Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions
👉 Do you have to pay VAT? Is it included in the price? 

The prices that are listed above are without VAT (+17%).  If you are an Israeli Citizen you will be charged the VAT in addition to the prices indicated here

👉 How long are these prices valid for?

These prices are only valid for one month after you received this offer

👉 What are the methods of payment?

If you are an Israeli Citizen - you can pay from your Israeli PayPal in NIS or by Bank Transfer
If you are not an Israeli Citizen - you can pay from your PayPal in any currency that you prefer 

👉 What happens if I choose to pay in full for the Master Program or the Quarterly Program tracks?
  • If you are enrolling in the Master Program or the Quarterly Programs tracks - you will receive a 5% discount on the total price of the Program if you choose to pay in full
👉 What happens if I choose to pay in monthly installments?
  • If you are enrolling in the Master Program or the Quarterly Programs tracks - you can choose the option to pay in monthly installments. You will make the first payment now and you will receive a request for payment every month, on the same day of the month of your first payment
 👉 Can I enroll in the Program whenever I want? 
  • If you are enrolling in the Master Program or the Quarterly Programs tracks - You can enroll whenever you want
 👉 What happens once I make the payment?
Once you make the payment you are officially enrolled in the Program. You will receive an electronic contract to sign and your Welcome Package which includes the following depending on which tracks you enrolled in
  • Your Business Audit to fill in
  • Options to schedule your Kick-Off Session
  • Invitation to the Weekly Master Program
  • Invitations to the upcoming Expert Sessions
  • Invitation to the Monthly Mastermind
  • Access to the Born To Do Business Online Academy
  • Invitation to the Members Facebook Group
👉 Will the Program change after I enroll?

In an effort to constantly provide you with the best service possible, we are always making improvements to our Programs, and so you might be receiving additional services in your Program that are not listed in this Program description

👉 Is the Program guarantying my results? 

No program can guarantee your results since your success depends on the work that you will put in and your commitment to the process.
However,  we can assure you that we will provide you with all the resources, the knowledge, help and support that you need to succeed

👉 What happens if you share with us confidential information?

Your information will stay strictly confidential and will only be shared with the team, and with no one else

👉 What if I want to leave the Program before the end? 

For the Master & Quarterly Program, you can leave the Program whenever you want, with a one month notice which will have to be paid in full

If you have more questions on the Born To Do Business Programs, please contact us at and we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

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